FILOSOFIA DE TRABALHO (Metas e Diretrizes)
- A ACADEMIA DEMIAN MAIA JJ / Brasil iniciará a implantação de um programa de 5 anos, para formação de uma Equipe de Profissionais competentes visando tornar-se cada vez mais eficiente na gestão esportiva, difundindo seu método de treinamento do Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro.
- A ACADEMIA DEMIAN MAIA JJ / Brasil, além do seu método eficiente de treinamento para defesa pessoal e preparação de atletas de alta performance para competições de ponta, tem dentre seus principais objetivos formar líderes e seguidores que se destacam pelo caráter, disciplina, responsabilidade e atitude solidária.
- A ACADEMIA DEMIAN MAIA JJ / Brasil, é uma marca que representa a qualidade técnica no ensino do Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro, focada nos valores esportivos e humanos mais elevados, e considera o mesmo das academias candidatas a afiliação. Na sua nova fase de expansão está analisando propostas de implantação de novas academias afiliadas, no Brasil e no exterior, com líderes preparados e conscientes das suas responsabilidades como educadores.
- Estados Unidos e Portugal já têm academias oficialmente afiliadas.
New Affiliates in the United States and Europe!
The ACADEMY DEMIAN MAIA JJ / Brazil is pleased to introduce its two new subsidiaries abroad. Soon, new academies will be accredited, including Brazil, to apply our method of training of trainers and athletes, with the mission of enhancing increasingly Jiu-Jitsu.
PHILOSOPHY OF WORK (Objectives and Guidelines)
The ACADEMY DEMIAN MAIA JJ / Brazil will begin implementing a program for five years, to form a competent team of professionals aiming to become a reference on sports management, spreading his method of training Jiu-Jitsu.
PHILOSOPHY OF WORK (Objectives and Guidelines)
The ACADEMY DEMIAN MAIA JJ / Brazil will begin implementing a program for five years, to form a competent team of professionals aiming to become a reference on sports management, spreading his method of training Jiu-Jitsu.
PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION (Training Instructors)
The ACADEMY DEMIAN MAIA JJ / Brazil, and its efficient method of training for personal defense and preparation of high-performance athletes for competitive edge, has among its main objectives the training of leaders and followers are distinguished by the character, discipline, accountability and attitude solidarity.
The ACADEMY DEMIAN MAIA JJ / Brazil, and its efficient method of training for personal defense and preparation of high-performance athletes for competitive edge, has among its main objectives the training of leaders and followers are distinguished by the character, discipline, accountability and attitude solidarity.
The ACADEMY DEMIAN MAIA JJ / Brazil, is a brand that represents the technical quality in teaching Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, focused on sport and human values higher, and considering the same candidates for membership of the academies. In its new phase of expansion is reviewing proposals for implementation of new affiliated academies in Brazil and abroad, with leaders prepared and aware of their responsibilities as educators. United States and Portugal have already officially affiliated academies.
The ACADEMY DEMIAN MAIA JJ / Brazil, is a brand that represents the technical quality in teaching Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, focused on sport and human values higher, and considering the same candidates for membership of the academies. In its new phase of expansion is reviewing proposals for implementation of new affiliated academies in Brazil and abroad, with leaders prepared and aware of their responsibilities as educators. United States and Portugal have already officially affiliated academies.

1. EUA : Cypher - A family Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu program in Olympia, WA
Instrutores: Patrick Austin, Benson Adams, Gordon McCloud.
Portugal - Lisboa

Email : demianmaiajiujitsuportugal@
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Telefone : +351 91 649 78 54
Morada :
Rua Pascoal de Melo 3º A
1170 – 294 São Jorge de Arroios, Lisboa
Intrutor: Vitalino Silva